Dear Rotary Sponsor

We hope this finds you, your family and friends safe and healthy.

Flags for Heroes honors the many heroes in our lives – anyone who has made a positive impact or deserves recognition. Thus, we are bringing back our successful Flags for Heroes fundraiser/display October 18-31, 2024.

The flags stand as a reminder to all to participate in kindness, service to others, and recognize the impact of individuals in our business and personal lives. Those who visit the display will be greeted with a welcome banner listing all of the business and corporate sponsors alongside the list honorees.

The Flags for Heroes display will grace the front lawn of Montgomery High School along Route 601, where everyone will be able to reflect on the lives of those honored. The display is more than a fundraiser. We hope that when people stop and think about what others have done for them, their communities, our nation, and the world, it will inspire them to emulate their heroes and make a difference in the lives of others.
In 2024, with so many to thank for their heroic or herculean efforts in all areas of our lives, each flag will honor someone’s hero including veterans, family members, business leaders and employees, teachers, first responders, healthcare workers, graduates and so many more!


We invite you to join our project as a corporate sponsor.

Sponsor Levels & Benefits:
$250 Friend – Name of sponsor at the flag display and on our website. Plus one flag sponsorship
$500 Stripes – The above publicity, plus; publicity through our social media; name listed in a newspaper ad following the event; two (2) flag sponsorships at the display. You choose honorees.
$1,000 Stars – The above publicity, plus; company logo at the display and in newspaper ad; four (4) flag sponsorships. Also, you will receive a commemorative sign, a full-size (3′ x 5′) flag and medallion
$2,500 Hero – All of the above, with six (6) flag sponsorships
$5,000 Gold Star – All of the above with ten (10) flag sponsorships

Thank you for your consideration. We are grateful for your support.

Flags for Heroes Committee
The Rotary Club of Montgomery/Rocky Hill


100% of your sponsor dollars goes to charitable giving! Rotary continues to make a difference in times of need, supporting local essential workers, first responders, families in need.  In the past three years, the club has supported families struggling from the remnants of the COVID pandemic, victims of the fires in Hawaii, assisting the refugees from Ukraine, and so much more!

Corporate Sponsor Form Online
Corporate Sponsor Form PDF
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